Pet Photography Mini Sessions



Eastern PA Animal Alliance

St Cats & Dogs of Nay Aug

Join us in supporting two amazing organizations that
make a big difference for animals in our community.

As someone who is passionate about
helping neighborhood feral cats through TNR,
these organizations hold a special
place in my heart.

Showcase your pet’s one-of-a-kind
personality and get some
adorable photos together!

Saturday April 12th

Hosted by:
The Dog People
1021 Main Street
Avoca, PA 18641

10 minute session with
3+ digital photos

Session Minimum

Anything you pay over that will go
towards the rescue organizations

You will receive your photo(s) digitally via Pic-Time
With the option to purchase prints through the online gallery

As time slots are limited and run back to back,
if you are late for your time slot I cannot.
guarantee we can complete your session. 

Please let me know if you cannot make your time slot for any reason

You can also help out by making
a donation or purchasing
items off their Amazon Wishlist